Friday, October 28, 2022


Thinking creatively about human relations 

All of us want two things out of life ; success and happiness. 
all of us are different. your idea of success may be different from mine but there is one big factor which all of us must learn to deal with if we are to be successful and happy. the one common denominator to all success and happiness is other people. 
Various scientific studies have proven that if you learn how to deal with other people, you will have gone 85% of they down the road to success in any bussiness, occupation, profession, and about 99% of the way to personal happiness 
merely getting along isn"t the answer. 
what is a way to deal with people thatt will bring us personal satisfaction and, at the same time not trample on others egos. human relations is the science of dealing with people in such a way that our egos and their egos remaiin intact. And this is the only method of getting along with people that ever results in any real success or satisfaction. 

The reason 90% people fail in life is a failure to deal successfully with people. 
look around you. Are the most successful people those with the most brain, the most skill? Are the people who are the happiest and get the most fun out of life so much smatter than other people you know? If you will stop and think a moment, the change are that you will say that the people you know who are the most successful and enjoy life the most, are those who' ''have a way '' with people 
Your personality problems are your problems with other people. 
there are millions of people today who are self conscious, shy, and ill-at-ease in social satutions. Tthey feel inferior and never realize that their real problem it never seems to get across to them that their failure in learning to deal with successfully with pwople. 
there are almost many who, at least one the surface, seem to be vary opposite of the shy, reting type. they appear to be self-assured. They are ''bossy'' and dominate any social aituation they are in, whether it is the home, the office, or the club. Yet they,too, realise that aomething is missing. they wondered why their employees or their families do not appreciate them. they wonder why people do not co-operate move willingly; why it is necessary to continually force people into line. And, most of all, they realise in their more condid moments, that the pwople they are most anxius to impress never really give them the approval and acceptance they crave. they attempt to force co-opration, loyality and friendship; to push people to produce for them. But, the one thing can not force is the thing they want most, they can not force people to like them. they never really get what they want becuse they have never mastered the art of dealing with people. 
whether we like it or not, people are here to stay. 
in our modern world, we simply cannot achive any success or happiness without taking other people into account. The docter, the layer, the salse person who enjoy the most success is not necessarily the one who is most intelligent or most skillful machanics of his or her job. The husband and wife who attractive. look for a success in any endeavor amd you will find someone who has mastered the knack of dealing with people ... a person who has a ''way'' with other 
skill in humsn relations is simillar to skill in any other field, in that success depends on unerstanding mastering certain basic general principales. you must not only know what to do, but why you're doing it. 
As far as basic principles are concered, people are all the same. Yet each individual person you meet is different. If you attempted to learn some gimmick to deal successful with each seperate individual you met you would be faced with a hopeless task. 
Influencing people is an art, not a gimmick. 
When you apply gimmicks in superfical, mechanical manner, you go through the same motions as the person who ''has a way'' , but it doesn't work for you. The purpous of this book is to give you knowladge bassed upon an understanding of human nature : why the people act the way they do. the methods presented on this book have been tested on thousands of people who have attain my human relations seminars. They are not just my pet ideas of how you should deal with people, but ideas that have stood the test of how you must deal with people. That is if youi want to get along which them and get what you want at the same time. 
yas we all want success and happiness. And the day is llong past, if it ever existed, when you could achieve these goals by forcing people to give you  want. And begging is no better for no onne has respect for or any desire to help, the person who constantly kowtows and literally goes around with his hand out, begging other people to like him. 
The successful way to get the things you want from life is to aquare skill in dealing with people. Read on and you will learn how.
 Understanding The human ego 
Because the human ego is such a precious thing to its possessor, and because a person will go  to such 

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