Sunday, March 5, 2023

atitude of everything

picture your way to Success 
you must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it 
In a television intreview, singer celine Dion was asked if she ever dreamedc at the start of her career that someday she'd sell millions of records and be on tour, singing in foront of tend of thousands of people each week the singer replied that none of this surprised her, as she had pictures the whole thing since she was five years old! 
She was bragging. and has worked unbelievebly hard to earn every bit of her success. What she learned at an early age was her ablity to tap into the power of holding a vivid, powerful image ... to picture the star she wanted to become. 
World class athletes also ineorporate the power of imagery to reinforce in their mind exactly how they want to perforn pro acing his opponent with a perfect serve... or a golfer driving the ball long and straight down the fairway, many top competitors 
mentally envision a successful outcome before actually achieving it in tje ''real'' world 
Visualization, however, is not something reserved solely for singers athletes or movie stars. In fact, it's something you've used since childhood to create the circumstance of your own life 
Let me clarify what I mean visualization is often described as pictures in our minds about the type of relationship we deserve the degree of success we'll attain at work  the extant if our leader ship ablitiyty the amount of money we'll earn and accumulate and so on. 
mental movies from childhood 
Where do these pictures come from? Welol we begin to develop out ''mental movies'' early in life. If we were criticixed or felt unworthy as youngsters. we record the events and the feelings associated with those event as images in our minds. Because we frequently dwell on these pictures both consciously and subconsciously we tend to creat life situations that crosspond to the original image for example you may still hold a vibrant image of being criticixed by a teacher in elementary school. you felt humiliated in foront of the whole class. later on , when you were tenpted to offer your opinion in the or in a group of people you held back and kept quiet .. all the while remembering even if only on a subconscious level how painful it was when you were criticixed The picture remains in your mind and exerts tremendous influence over your present actions. 
Unfortunately many of us have not updated or revised our childhood movies, so we're continually producing results that fall short of our full potential. What follows are some techniques for using the power visualixation to improve virtually every asprct of your life.
Take responsiblity For your Own Movies 
not all mental pictures can be traced to your childhood. You're constantly generating mental movies based on your relarionships, career experiences and other events. point that I want to drive home You and only you are in control your own movies. 
Let' try a short experiment. Think about an ice cream cone filled with your favorite flavor of ic e crem. Does that create a picture or image for you? I'll bet it does. 
Okay, now think about an elephant. Can you see it? change the color of the elephant to pink. In fraction of a second, you formed an image of the pink elephant. Can you bring back the picture of the ice cream cone? Of course you. 
Can you see what I mean? you have control over the pictures that occupy your mund. However, when you don't consciously decide which pictures to play your mund will look into the ''archives and keep re_ playing old movies on file in your mental libary.
Change The Meaning Of The Old Movie 
It doesn't serve you to deny what happened in a past ecperience, no matter how painful or disappointing. You can't for instance, change the fact that you were criticixed by the teacher. You can however alter your interpretation of the event  
That is, at the time you were originally criticized, the meaning you might have assigned to the experience was ''I' am not good enough'' or ''my opinions are worthless.'' While this was the interpretation of a child you may have inadertently carred it into your adult life. Today, though, you can consciously choose to view the situation differently for example, the teacher may have disagreed with you, but it wasn't a statement about your intelligence or your overall worth as a person! 
Create new pictures 
We can create new mental movies whenever we choose to do so. And when we develop and concentrate on new images that evoke powerful feeling and sensations, we'll act in ways that support those new pictures! so the first step is to creat an image of your desired outcime you atre limited only by your imagination. 
As you know, most people are terrified about public speaking In survey after survey it is listed as the fear that people have ranked ahead of the fear of death So when most people are asked to even consider makeing a speech what kinds of pictures do they run through their minds? 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

paper notes

Today I am writing about some artical
A new ara of indian space enterprise 
the lunch of vikram-s, India's first privately developed rocket, from ISRO launch pad in Shriharikota recently marked an important landmarked in the country's foray into space. Developed by a four-year old Hydrabad-based start-up, , Skyroot Aerospaace, it is the first in a series of much larger rockets to come the rocket named after the of the completion of mission prarambh. there were three by a forign clientg, this included a 2.5-kg payload 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

strong and week

There was a proud teak tree in the forest. He was tall and strong There was a small herb next to the tree. 
The teak tree said, ''I am very handsome and. No one can defeat me.''Hearing this the herb replied, ''Dear friend too much pride is harmful. Even the strong will fall one day.'' 
The teak igonored the herb's words. He continued to praise himself. 
A strong wind blew. The teak stood firmly. even when it rained, the teak stood strong by spreading its leaves. 
During these times the herb bowed low. The teak made fun of the herb 
The strom kept growing stromger. The teak could no lingerbear it He felot his giving way. 
he tried his best to stand upright, but in the end he fell down. that was the end of the froud tree. 
When everything was calm again, the herb stood straight. He looked around He saw that the teak had fallen. 
Moral:  pride goes before a fall.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Greedy boy

Sam and Tom sere identical twins. they were so identical that even theie mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other, at least during their initial days on earth 

However they were very different from each other when it came to everything other than their apprarance. Sam had no friends, while Tom was a great friendship maker. Sam loved swets but Tom loved spicy food and detested sweets. Sam was mommy's pet and Tom was daddy's pet While sam was generous and selfless, Tom was grees and selfish!

As Sam and Tpm grew up, their father wanted to his fortune equally amongst them However, tom did not agree and he argued that whover proved to intelligent and strong would have to get a bigger share of the wealth.

Sam agreed. their father decided to organize a competition between the two he asked the two sons to walk as ling as they could and return home before sunset. The wealth woulde be divided in proportion to the distance covered. As a rule of the competition they were not permitted to cary a watch to keep track of the time

The following day , Sam and Tom set out to walk It was a rather sunny day Sam walked slowely and steadily, while  Tom broke into a sprit as he was bent on winning the race and also winnig a greater portion of his father's wealth. 

Sam new that it would be ideal to walk as far as possible till noon and start for home at noon as it would take the same amount of time to walk back hime. Knowing this Sam decided to turn back for hime at noon so as reach home on time. 

However, Tom with his greed to earn more wealth, did not attempt to return home even after mid noon he walked twic eas ling as Sam and thought he would still be able to return home before sunset. He hurried back when home before sunset he hirried back when he saw the turnj orange. Unfortunaterly he could not even make it half way home as the stared to set Slowly darkeness engulfed his path and he to drag his tired feet back hime.

He had lost tyhe race Only because of his grees greed leads to loss.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Unhelpful friends

Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many  friends. He was proud of his friends. One day bunny rabbit heard the laud barking of wild dogs. He was very scared. He  decided to ask for help He quickly went to his friend deer. He said, dear friend, some wild dogs are chasing me. Can you chase them away with your sharp anters.

The deer said, that is right I can. but now I am busy. Why don't you ask bear for help/ 

Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. My dear friend, you are veery strong. Please help me Some eild dogs are after me. Please chase them aeay, he requested to the bear. 

The bear replied, "I am sorry. I am hungry and . I need to find some food. please ask the monkey for help.| 

Poor Bunny felt sad all his other friends. Bunny felt sad thar nobody was ready to help him. 

He undersood that he had to think of a way out by himself. He hid under a bush He lay very still. the wild dogs did not find the bunny. They went chasing other animals. 

Bunny rabbit learnt that he had to learn to surveve by himself, not depending on his unhelpful friends. 

Moral: It is better to rely on yourself than depend on others. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Change yourself and not The world

Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very happy as they led a very prosperous life with an abundance of wealth and no misfortunes. 

Once, the king decided to go visiting places of historical importance and polgrim centres at distant places. He decided to travel by foot to interact with his people. People of distant places wetre very happy to a conversation with thir king. they werte proud theat their king had a kind heart. 

After several weeks of travel, the king returned to the palace. He was quote happy that he had visited many pilgrim centres and witnessed his people leading a prosperous life. However, he had one regret. He had intolerable pain in his feet as it was his first trip by foot covering a long distance. He complained to his ministers that the roads weren't comfortable and that they wete very stony.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A merchant and his donkey

One beautiful spring morning, a merchant loaded his donkey with bags of salt to go to the market, in order to sell the salt. The merchant  and his donkey were walking along together. They had not walked far when they reached a river on the way. 
Unfortunately, the donkey slipped and fell into the river. As it scrambled up the bank of the river, it noticed that the bags of salt loaded on his back had become lighter. 
There was nothing the merchant could do except return home where he loaded his donkey with more bags of salt. As they reached the slippery riverbank again, the donkey fell into the river, this time deliberately. Thus the salt was wasted again. 

By now the merchant knew the donkeys trick. He wanted to teach the animal a lesson. As he returned home the second time woth the domkey, the merchant loaded bags of sponges on its back. 

The duo set out on their trip to the market a third time. On reaching the river, the domkey very cleverly fell into the water againBut now instead of the load becoming lighter, it became heavir. 

the merchant laughed at the donkey and said, You foolish donkey, your trick has been discovered.You should know that you cannot fool anyone too many times.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Ant and Dove

The ant and dove 
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. . While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water. 
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearly tree had net seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed into it. Soon, the leaf frifted to try ground, and the and jumped out. She was safe