Thursday, November 24, 2022

Beijing is tackling its air pollution problem. Why can't New Delhi?

Delhi pollution problem
A decade ago, the capitals of Asia's two largest countries both had some of the dirtiest skies in the world. One the wrost days, millions were enveloped in thick grey canopies sf smig that darkened the sun and besieged the lungs.
Since then, one of those cities has made significant improvements. After the chinese government declared a war against pollution in 2013, Beijing pressed ahead with multiyear, $100 billion effort to clean its air. The authorities clamped down on factories, forced old vehicles off the road and shifted from coal to natural gas. Wgile more still needs to be done, Beijing officials say the city now has over100 more days of clear skies each year than when the campaign began. 
But in the other city, New Delhi, the this autumn has been as foul as ever. the onset of air pollution season brought weeks 

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