Wednesday, October 5, 2022

PERSISTENCE. Kundan Timescale

Persistence is essential factor inthe procedure of transmuting DESIRE into its monetary equvalent the basis of persistance is the power of will 
Will power and desire when properly combined make an irresistible pair men who accumulate grate fortune are generally known as cold blooded and sometime ruthless ofen they are mis understand what they have is will power which they mix with oersistance and place back to their desire to insure the attainment of their objectives 
Henrey ford has been generally misunderstand to be ruthless and cold blooded  this mis conception grew out of Ford's habit of following through in all his plans with persistance the majority of people are ready to through their aim and purpose overboard and give up at the first aim of opposition or misfortune  a few carry on despite all opposition , untile they attin their goal these few are the ford carnegies, Rockefeller and editoions 

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